realm of the dreamweaver

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Location: Manila, Philippines

Sunday, June 18, 2006


We all have fallen asleep at one point.

Or perhaps, we all have woken up at least once in our lives. Nobody could really be sure which is which. More than just a bodily function to rejuvenate frayed nerves, sleep is a state of mind. To some people, it is even a way of life. Sleeping brings us to a landscape of dreams; it gives us access to hidden places we can revel in, hide out or escape to.

On the other hand, waking up is either harsh, amazing or both. It depends on the Waker’s reception of the shift in consciousness. Waking can be cruel as to cut short a dream or it can be a gift to help us see beyond the ordinary.

Sleeping and waking are endlessly joined. They are both from a country without maps or borders --- and we who exist to travel the land have to feel our way around the terrain until we find what we are looking for.

Do we crave sleep and shun being awake? Or are we tired of the never ending dream which has kept us from reality for so long? Perhaps at the very end of things when all of Life is measured, we will see the glimmering of those moments we were awake and moments when we are asleep and be content in the understanding that in sleeping and waking we were being alive.


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